(October 5, 1813)

The morning of October 15, 1813 was cold and rainy, as every day had been since the British had begun their retreat. The British were encamped at the farm of Lemuel Sherman and the Native warriors were south of the river at Arnold's Mill a few miles downstream.

The British troops had had nothing to eat the day before the battle or on the day of the battle and were in very poor spirits. The British troops were forced to march the 4 1/2 mile distance to Fairfield (Moraviantown) to make a stand against the Americans. 

The troops did not make it to Fairfield, as Procter had met them a couple of miles downstream. He had been convinced by intelligence reports that the Americans were upon them and he formed the troops for battle. His force numbered approximately 500 British regulars and 500 warriors under Chief Tecumseh. 

The battle field had advantages for the defense. The Thames River guarded the left flank of the field and the land was studded and the main road to Burlington was on the left. A large, dense swamp guarded the right side of the chosen site while a small swamp sat in the middle. The British occupied the area from the river to the small swamp and Tecumseh's warriors from the small swamp to the large one.

The British sat lying in wait for almost three hours in the cold and rain before the Americans appeared. The American troops sighted the British and Harrison formed three brigades of his army into three lines and marched them straight through the small swamp in the middle of the battle field. The two remaining brigades of Harrison's army were faced toward the large swap in order to protect their left flank from Tecumseh's warriors. The few regulars were placed to the right of the road and detailed to seize the one six-pounder which Procter had placed on the road, and the mounted regiment was placed in front of the infantry.

Procter's men fired a single round before most of his men broke ranks and fled the battle. Procter made a half-hearted effort to rally them but soon retreated toward Burlington himself.

The warriors and Tecumseh were left stranded to defend themselves and their cause alone. The mounted brigade of Colonel Mentor Johnson charged the warriors on the left. The warriors were able to check their progress and inflicted many casualties but were forced to gradually give way. They were left with few in numbers and had a newly exposed left flank due to the retreat of the British regulars. About 45 minutes after the beginning of the battle Tecumseh fell; the warriors lost heart and retreated.

How the Battle Site Looks Today